Robin Abcarian – Silicon Valley Silicon Valley Business and Technology news and opinion Thu, 28 Dec 2023 13:35:23 +0000 en-US hourly 30 Robin Abcarian – Silicon Valley 32 32 116372262 Abcarian: Should large people get an extra airline seat for free? Thu, 28 Dec 2023 13:30:23 +0000 Kimmy Garris, who describes herself as a “fat solo traveler,” probably had no idea that her 30-second TikTok video was going to cause a sensation when she recorded herself in September politely asking a Southwest Airlines gate agent if she could avail herself of the airline’s “customer of size” policy.

Her TikTok post went viral because of what happened next.

The gate agent hands Garris an extra boarding pass, she walks onto the plane, asks for a seat-belt extender, takes a window seat and places the extra boarding pass in the middle seat.

“If anyone tries to sit in it,” she wrote, “I kindly let them know I have two seats booked. To be honest, I almost never get approached because no one wants to sit in the middle seat next to a fat person on a plane.”

You were expecting some kind of made-for-social-media airplane meltdown, right? The video went viral, I think, because people have been shocked and delighted that an airline can be so accommodating and empathetic.

“Southwest is the only airline that allows you a second seat at no extra cost even if the flight is FULLY booked,” wrote Garris, who was traveling from her home in Nashville to Los Angeles.

Garris has invoked the policy a dozen times, she noted, and has “never had an issue or been denied.”

Southwest policy

Crazily enough, Southwest says its “customer of size” policy has been in effect for three decades. Large people can purchase a second seat in advance, and Southwest will refund the cost of the extra seat after the flight. No matter the demand for seats on that flight, the free extra seat is guaranteed. Or, if there is room on the flight, passengers can simply ask at the gate, as Garris did, for an extra seat. They also get pre-board privileges.

“The armrest,” says the official Southwest policy, “is the definitive gauge for a Customer of size. It serves as the boundary between seats. If you’re unable to lower both armrests and/or encroach upon any portion of a seat next to you, you need a second seat.”

I don’t know which gods are smiling on Southwest, but Garris’ TikTok post could not have come at a better moment for the beleaguered Dallas-based airline.

Last week, Southwest was slammed with the highest fine ever imposed on an airline by the Department of Transportation — $140 million — for its spectacular holiday 2022 operational meltdown that led to the cancellation of nearly 17,000 flights and stranded more than 2 million passengers. (Garris told me she hadn’t heard the news.)

Of course, not everyone is happy that Southwest gives fat people a free extra seat.

“I have gotten a lot of backlash,” Garris said. “People are upset that I am stealing a seat from a skinny person. It’s a Catch-22: ‘You are disgusting and I don’t want to sit next to you, but you are stealing a seat.’ You can’t have it both ways.”

Traveling while fat can be a miserable experience.

“A few years ago, I was in coach in a middle seat. I was so uncomfortable, and the guy next to me was texting about me: ‘I have this fat girl sitting next to me.’ I was mortified,” said Katie Sturino, 43, a popular content creator and influencer who founded Megababe, a cosmetics company that sells products that help with chafing thighs, boob sweat and body odor.

‘People over profit’

Last week, Sturino, who describes herself as a “body acceptance advocate” lauded Southwest for its policy. “Bravo Southwest,” she said on Instagram. “It’s a kind and generous policy.”

Over Zoom from New York, she told me, “I think it’s acknowledging a reality, which is that in America, the majority of our country is larger. There are some people whose bodies absolutely don’t fit into an airplane seat. It’s a people-over-profit move that’s getting Southwest a lot of love. Other airlines should take notice.”

Other airlines do allow large passengers to purchase a second seat, but none offers to refund the cost afterward.

There is a lot we don’t know about obesity, but one thing is certain: It is certainly not a choice.

Recent scientific consensus says that obesity is a disease with many contributing factors. Regardless of the cause, a large percentage of Americans are considered obese. The Trust for America’s Health, a nonpartisan public health policy and advocacy organization, estimates that nearly 42% of adults are obese and that nearly 20% of children between 2 and 19 are obese. People of color experience the highest rates of obesity, “often due to structural barriers to healthy eating and a lack of opportunities and places to be physically active.”

Last spring, the plus-size travel blogger and self-described “fat activist” Jae’lynn Chaney, who says she is a size 6X, started a petition demanding that the Federal Aviation Administration require airlines to give larger passengers as many free extra seats as they need to fly comfortably.

“The industry needs to realize that the average woman is no longer a size 14,” Chaney told BuzzFeed last year. “They are now a size 18 and beyond. Yet, as we’ve gotten bigger, things like airplane seats, clothing and everything else has gotten small or stayed the exact same.”

No FAA mandate

The FAA does not mandate seat sizes, and it has focused instead on whether smaller seats impede evacuations in the event of an emergency. So far, there is no proof that they do.

Garris, 31, who loves traveling, told me that during her 20s, she wouldn’t fly because of her size. “I would think, ‘I am too big, let me lose weight first, I’m not going to fit.’ I got tired of waiting, and I decided to travel and share my experiences.”

Now, said Garris, who recently began taking aerialist classes, “I’m finding joyful ways to live in the world.”

Just as all people deserve joy, all people deserve to fly in comfort, whether they take up one seat or two.

Or, hell, even three.

Robin Abcarian is a Los Angeles Times columnist. ©2023 Los Angeles Times. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. 

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Abcarian: Patriarchy strikes again with California’s women on boards law Wed, 25 May 2022 11:30:59 +0000 The patriarchy was not about to take this one sitting down.

In 2018, then-Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill into law making it a requirement that all publicly held California corporations put women on their boards of directors.

The arithmetic was simple: By the end of 2019, all boards were to have at least one female director. By the end of 2021, boards with six or more directors were to have at least three female directors. Boards with five directors were to have two. Hefty fines would be levied on noncompliant companies.

The law has proved to be a stunning success. I could slam you with all kinds of statistics, but suffice to say that in 2018, the year before it took effect, women held only 15.5% of director seats on the boards of publicly held corporations in California. By 2021, they held 32% of board seats. Today, 99% of the companies affected by the law have at least one woman on their board. Some have two or three.

But just as California was blazing a trail for the rest of the country, the old guard objected. Right-wing legal groups decried what one called “the woman quota law” and argued it violates the California Constitution’s equal protection clause. “The government should not force people to put a job candidate’s sex above his or her individual traits,” declared the Pacific Legal Foundation. “Any law that puts equal numbers above equal treatment undermines the very concept of equality.”

Haven’t we learned, though, over the course of American history that equal numbers result in equal treatment?

Unfortunately, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Maureen Duffy-Lewis, who was appointed in 1987 by Republican Gov. George Deukmejian, agreed with the law’s opponents. So did my colleague Nick Goldberg, who, while lauding the law’s goal, wrote last week that he found it “too intrusive.”

In her May 13 ruling, Duffy-Lewis said that the state failed to prove that publicly held corporations headquartered in California “engaged in purposeful and intentional, unlawful discrimination” in filling board seats.

She wrote that the state had not produced a single identifiable victim of gender discrimination and therefore had not proved its case.

But how would a victim even be identified? Boards are chosen in secret. You don’t toss your name into the ring. You get tapped on the shoulder.

“The notion that change is going to happen on its own is just pie in the sky,” said former Democratic state Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson, who co-wrote the law with her colleague Toni Atkins, the Senate’s president pro tem. “You cannot change the culture by simply asking politely.”

Jackson had tried that once already.

In 2013, Jackson introduced a resolution — a request, basically — that asked California’s publicly traded companies to add women to their boards. Over the next five years, women’s representation grew from an ultra-paltry 15.5% (below the national average of 16.5%) to a slightly less paltry 16%. “That was it!” Jackson told me. “

California Secretary of State Shirley Weber has vowed to appeal the decision.

TThe investment research firm MSCI analyzed U.S. companies between 2011 and 2016 and found that organizations that began the five-year period with at least three women on their board did much better on such metrics as return on equity and earnings per share than companies that began the period with no female directors. Three female directors, they concluded, represented a “tipping point.”

Think of it this way, Jackson suggested: “If you have one woman on a board, the guys expect her to get coffee. If you have two, the women fight over who gets the coffee. But if you have three women on a board, they tell you to get your own damn coffee.”

Robin Abcarian is a Los Angeles Times columnist. ©2022 Los Angeles Times. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

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