Coronavirus: How you can opt in to California’s new exposure notification app

So, you’ve heard California has a new app that allows residents to be notified when they’ve come in contact with somebody infected with COVID-19 and want to learn more about it. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

First of all, the app — dubbed CA Notify — goes live Thursday. It was created in partnership with Apple and Google, and it allows users of those smartphones who opt in to receive notifications if they have been in close proximity with another user of the app who has tested positive. The more people who sign up, the more effective the app is. Other states that have rolled out similar programs have had difficulty convincing large swaths of the population to opt in.

[ Read more about how the app works and its implementation in California here. ]

But you want to know how to sign up.

For iPhone users, you’re in luck. All it takes is a couple taps in your settings. For Android users, you’ll have to hold your horses until Thursday: that’s when the app will be available to download from the Google Play store.

Although the California-specific technology goes live later this week, exposure notifications came preloaded in iOS 13.7 and are accessible through your iPhone’s settings. Apple users can already opt in to the app by going into “Settings,” scrolling down and tapping on “Exposure Notifications.” From there, select “Turn On Exposure Notifications,” choose “United States” then “California” as your location, and agree to the terms and conditions. A pop-up will appear requesting to turn on exposure notifications; tap “Turn On.”

That’s it — you’re in.

Until it goes live Thursday, though, only those participating in the pilot programs on college campuses are able to share their COVID-19 diagnosis.

Instructions for Apple users. (Screengrab via California Governor Gavin Newsom Youtube broadcast) 


Beginning Thursday, when CA Notify launches in the Google Play store, Android users will be able to download the app, open it and turn on exposure notifications.

Instructions for Android users. (Screengrab via California Governor Gavin Newsom Youtube broadcast) 

As Gov. Gavin Newsom said, “a very simple process.”

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