What income do I need to afford a $700,000 house?

By Ruben Caginalp, Bankrate.com

Does your dream home have a $700,000 price tag? That’s well above the National Association of Realtors’ median price for a home, which in July 2023 was $406,700. Whether you can afford such a pricey purchase will depend on a variety of factors, including your salary and the interest rate of your mortgage.

Use Bankrate’s mortgage calculator to figure out how much you need to make to afford a $700,000 home:

To reiterate, these numbers will vary drastically depending on variable factors like your homeowners insurance premium and local property taxes. Your monthly payment will be lower if you snag a lower mortgage rate, higher if it’s higher; and your payment will be higher if you make a down payment of less than 20 percent as well. Here’s a deeper dive into how much income you’d need to afford a $700,000 home.

Income to afford a $700K house

The 28/36 rule is a good starting point when determining what salary you need for a $700,000 home purchase. This real estate rule of thumb recommends that no more than 28 percent of your total monthly income should go toward your monthly housing costs, and that no more than 36 percent go toward overall debt payments (including housing).

Here’s how the rule works for the annual income of $151,200, as determined above. Dividing by 12 for a monthly amount comes to $12,600, and 28 percent of $12,600 is $3,528 — almost exactly equal to the monthly principal and interest figure roughly determined above. But don’t forget that you’ll need to factor in the variable monthly fees that get rolled into your housing payment, such as property taxes and insurance premiums.

As you run the numbers, keep the 36 part of the equation in mind as well. Other monthly debt, like car payments, credit card balances or student loans, can add up, and you don’t want to stretch your budget too thin by exceeding that 36 percent guideline. There are also the ongoing costs of homeownership to stay on top of, such as maintenance and upkeep.

In addition, remember that a $700,000 budget can take you quite far in most areas of the country. According to Redfin data from July 2023, the median sale prices in many major cities are much less — including Washington D.C. ($617,000), Denver ($587,000), Miami ($580,000), Phoenix ($436,824) and Atlanta ($385,000). Just because you can afford to spend $700K doesn’t mean you need t0 (or should).

What factors determine how much you can afford?

As you evaluate how much home you can afford, there are many factors to consider besides the property’s sticker price. Some of the most important include:

Stay the course until you close

Once you go into contract on a home purchase, it can take weeks or even months before you actually sit down at the closing table. In the interim, don’t stop monitoring the factors listed above. For example, don’t apply for new credit cards or make purchases that require financing, like a car, because those things impact your credit score. And if possible, don’t make any big life changes that could affect your financial status either, such as starting a new job.

For most buyers, working with a knowledgeable local real estate agent is invaluable. Interview a few people to find a good fit for you. An agent will be able to guide you through the entire homebuying process with professional expertise.


Can I afford a $700K home with a $200K salary?

Most likely yes. Assuming a 20 percent down payment on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage with a 6.5 percent interest rate, you’ll pay about $4,200 per month in housing costs on a $700,000 home purchase. According to the 28/36 rule, you should spend a maximum of 28 percent of your income on housing. For a $200,000 salary, 28 percent equates to $4,666 per month, which is more than enough to cover the monthly $4,200 cost. Just be careful to factor in your other debts and expenditures, to ensure you don’t stretch yourself too thin.

What factors affect how much house I can afford?

How expensive of a house you can afford will depend largely on your income, your credit score and the prevailing mortgage interest rates. Location matters a lot too, as the same housing budget can go much further in some places than others. You should also evaluate the cost of living in your desired area, as well as the ongoing maintenance costs associated with homeownership.

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